As a child, flying is a power possessed by superheroes, but flying causes an involuntary groan now that we are adults. Everything about the experience is a hassle, from delayed flights to being forced to throw away a full bottle of soap because it had one too many ounces. Besides the hassle, you never know what kind of people you will have to deal with because the airport attracts people from all walks of life. We rounded up the most bizarre things people spotted at the airport, and it might make you think twice before you go to the airport next time.
Darth Vader Is In The Building
It seems like Darth Vader came into town and got a very warm welcome from his Stormtrooper friends at the gate. We are not surprised that his son didn't come to welcome him, but after all they went through in their relationship, can you blame him.
You really never know what celebrity you will come across at the airport, even if it is a fictional character. While we wouldn't want Darth Vader on our flight, it would be hilarious to see this scene at baggage claim.
Always Be Prepared For A Delayed Flight
This person came prepared for a delayed flight, and no one seems to mind that they set up their hammock in the middle of the gate waiting area. Sleeping on the benches is uncomfortable, and people think it's rude when you take up more than one seat.
This person knows how to make themselves at home wherever they go, and airports should install hammocks for all customers. Everyone at the gate is probably jealous because they wish they thought to bring a hammock with them too.
"You Shall Not Pass"
The woman couldn't care less that she is holding up an entire group of people on the moving sidewalk. She probably doesn't even realize that there is a crowd of people trying to get around her, and even if she does know, she is not going to let them go around.
She is on a mission to get through passport control first, and she doesn't care how she has to stop the people behind her. She doesn't even care that someone is taking her picture.
Sushi, Anyone?
Have you ever tried to find your suitcase at baggage claim and realize four others look exactly like it? These people probably had that issue in the past, so they found suitcase covers that they wouldn't be able to miss.
This is what we think traveling in style looks like. They must really love sushi, and it was the best way to show off the food they care the most about.
Someone Get This Mom A Drink ASAP
The airport is a good time to do some self-reflection, and we bet this mom is questioning why she even brought her children on vacation. Everyone around her must be so thankful they don't have two children on leashes pulling them in opposite directions.
We know being a mother is hard, and traveling with your children is not easy. She tried her best to wrangle them in, but she was no match for their secret plan to go in different directions and spin her around.
When Google Translate Malfunctions
We seriously hope this sign is a horrible translation mistake because that is no way to address people. In a country where the main language isn't English, this could be something they get away with, but when tourists come, they might find it offensive.
We wonder if it means the same thing in the other language or if they loosely translated it. You would only find something like this at the airport probably.
Do Not Disturb Until It Is Time To Board
This family was prepared for their flight to be delayed, so they all brought their own blankets to nap until the plane was boarding. They should have brought little signs that said "do not disturb until the flight is boarding" so someone would know to wake them up.
Hopefully, one of them has an alarm set, so they don't miss their flight. That would be frustrating to go through all of that just to sleep through all the boarding announcements.
That's One Way To Get Your Kids Through The Airport Quickly
Oh, flying with kids. You rush to your flight after getting to the airport late because you had to turn the car around when someone forgot their stuffed animal. It seems the kids never cooperate when you need to be somewhere, so this is one sure way to get them through the airport quickly.
Sometimes you are left with no choice but to wheel your child through the airport because they won't walk fast enough on their own two feet. They will probably leave their children with a babysitter next time they want to go on vacation.
They Missed The Runway By An Inch
When the pilot was told to land at the airport, he took it a little too far and drove right into the terminal. That's the best door-to-door service we have ever seen, but it looks like it caused more harm than good.
We are guessing the runway was too icy, and the wheels couldn't stop the plane from sliding into the side of the building. That is the last thing you want to see when you are looking out the terminal window waiting to board a flight.
Take As Much Luggage As You Like, Free Of Charge
Why not lighten the load of a traveling foreigner by taking their luggage before they can get to baggage claim. This airport sign is permitting people to take the luggage of foreigners, and they won't charge you either. If it's free, why not?
We wonder if this sign is supposed to direct people to baggage claim because foreigners would be so confused by this phrasing. The information desk is probably flooded with people trying to find their luggage because the signs aren't clear.
When You Don't Want To Pay For An Extra Plane Ticket
Although many people joke about taking their loved ones in their suitcase so they can come on the trip free of charge, it generally doesn't happen. This woman took that figure of speech a little too literally and tried sneaking her husband through security.
It seems that it didn't end well for either of them because she got caught, and he was stuffed into a suitcase for no reason. It looks rather painful to be shoved into a suitcase, but he could have just waited to see her until she got back from the trip.
Keep It Short And Sweet
Anyone who has to leave their loved ones for the first time might have a hard time saying goodbye at the airport. This airport put out a sign in the drop-off area that goodbyes shouldn't last more than three minutes, and we wonder if they are actually enforcing it.
They want people to keep their goodbyes short and sweet as not to hold up the line. However, it is hard to say goodbye to the people you love if they are going away for a long time, so how do you condense your farewell into such a short time period?
When All The Seats At The Gate Are Full
Traveling can be exhausting. Between time changes, layovers, and the stress of getting to where you need to be in the airport, it takes a lot out of you. This person must have been traveling for a while when she got to this point because she didn't even care to find a proper place to lie down.
Sometimes there aren't enough comfortable places to nap near the gate, so she improvised by finding a comfy spot on the floor. This doesn't look sanitary or comfortable, but she was probably so exhausted that she stopped caring.
We May Never Know Why The Plane Was Delayed
When you get to the airport on time only to find out your flight is delayed, you probably want an explanation. This sign kept things vague and said that the flight was delayed for "some reasons," which probably made customers more annoyed than the actual delay.
It is unfair to ask people to wait around without any explanation, considering how much money people spend on flights and traveling. There must have been some angry customers at the service desk after this sign was posted.
Traveling In Style
While there isn't a set dress code for flying, there are some general norms that people follow when they go to the airport. This guy threw the rulebook out the window and decided to go full-on pink cowboy with a chic twist.
When we fly, we like to wear comfy clothes because planes are usually cramped and cold. This man must have an extra pair of pants in his bag, or he will be freezing. If he is comfortable like this, more power to him, it's just not something you normally see at the airport.
Remind Us Not To Take This Airline
Whoever is in charge of the marketing for Turkish Airlines might want to rethink this ad placement. It might scare some customers away from flying on their airline because it looks like they are known for their planes crashing.
When you see an advertisement for an airline, you probably hope that they will mention safety and security. You probably don't want to see the plane look like it is crashing into the ground.
If This Doesn't Make Her Break Sobriety Nothing Else Will
There is nothing better than being greeted at the airport by your family with open arms. However, this grandma must have been mortified when she saw the sign her grandchildren were holding in the greeting area. We hope she has a good sense of humor.
It looks like they worked really hard on this sign to embarrass their grandmother. She only made it to 17 days sober, and while her grandchildren look elated, that's not such a long period of time. People at the gate were probably waiting to see who they were related to.
Airplane Seats Are Not Made For Everyone
It seems like airplane seats were not designed for every body type because this man only fits in half the seat. Those seats are cramped for average-sized people, so we can only imagine how uncomfortable this man was throughout his flight.
No one will be able to get past him because he is basically sitting in the aisle. We can only imagine what will happen when it is time for drink service, and the cart needs to pass by him. Next time he should book two seats so at least he can sit comfortably instead of suffering.
Wishful Thinking
While we doubt this man is actually waiting for the legendary Michael Jordan, he might be hoping that the pro-baller is walking through the airport. Maybe if MJ's chauffer is running late, this man might get lucky.
When you hire a car service to get you from the airport, they usually ask for a name for the sign, and someone might have pranked this driver. He will be disappointed to find out he is not picking up the real Michael Jordan.
It's All About Timing
In many situations, it's all about having the right timing. Sometimes, we are in the wrong place at the wrong time and that seems to be the case for this baggage carrier. Somehow it got sucked into the plane engine, and that means a huge delay for this flight.
Imagine looking out the plane window and seeing this. We would be worried our luggage isn't going to make it on the flight when they find a new plane to use. We have no idea how this happened, but it does not look good for Delta Air Lines.
A Very Accepting Dad
This father surely missed his son and wanted to make him feel comfortable upon arrival. We don't know if this was the best way where everyone can see, but they look pretty happy. We are guessing this is just a prank his dad decided to play on him.
Imagine his son really is gay, and he says, "Dad, how did you know?" That would make for another interesting airport moment that no one was expecting. Whether the sign is a joke or not, it is nice to see how excited they are to see each other.
She Must Be Used To Delayed Flights
This woman must travel often because she has perfected the art of sleeping in the waiting area without taking up multiple chairs or sitting on the floor. The other sleepers on this list could learn a thing or two from her because she has mastered sleeping in unique positions.
Let's just hope she doesn't miss her boarding call if she gets into a deep sleep. However, she looks like a pro, so she probably set a few alarms to wake her up. We just can't imagine how this would be comfortable, though.
He Must Try This Every Time He Is Near The Airport
Have you ever been driving near the airport and thought, "maybe I can pick up some loose women as they are landing?" Probably not, but this man thought of some new ideas to pick up women and thought he would test it out since he was already dressed as a chauffeur.
We wouldn't go near him because it seems like a news headline waiting to happen, but we give him props for trying. The other people at the airport were probably waiting to see if anyone would go with him. It's almost like this could be the opening scene from a Criminal Minds episode.
Sleeping Beauty
Unlike the woman who found a compact way to sleep comfortably, this girl is taking up as much space as she can by spreading herself out over four seats. Luckily the airport looks pretty empty, or this would be rude to take up half of the row.
The airport is not the most enjoyable place to sleep, but when you have to wait around for hours, there aren't many other things to do to waste time. At least she is taking full advantage of an empty waiting area while she can.
Prison Pick Up
This little boy was so excited to have his mom home, so he decided to greet her at baggage claim with a lovely sign. His dad probably thought of this idea, and he had no idea what prison meant. People were probably wondering what she was in prison for.
If this happened to us, we would turn around and walk in the opposite direction because we would be too embarrassed for people to think we went to jail. Can you imagine the looks on people's faces at that gate?
That's One Way To Get Your Message Across
While this woman is just trying to bring awareness to human trafficking through a performative act, it is still bizarre to see a woman stuffed in a suitcase circling the baggage carousel. How did she squeeze herself inside the suitcase in the first place?
We can't imagine someone would get through security with a person in their suitcase because they scan the bags with x-rays. It probably happens in parts of the world, but you might not find them so openly displayed on the luggage carousel.
When Duty Calls
Some people wait months for their loved ones to report home from deployment. This woman must have been waiting a while because she wanted everyone to know that he had an important job to do at home as well.
When duty calls, he has to be there to answer the call. It must have been like one of those homecoming videos you see on Facebook that makes you start crying at two in the morning even though you don't know anyone who was deployed.
Comfortable Contortionist
When you are stuck waiting around for your flight, you might as well get comfortable. While that is true, we don't know how comfortable this position could be, but at least she is being polite to the other people in the waiting area, unlike the woman in the background.
We don't even know how they got into this position because it just looks so uncomfortable to fold over like that. This person must be a contortionist because that is the only explanation for how they can sleep like that.
Warm Welcome
When your significant other goes on a "business trip," and you find out they have been cheating on you for over half a year. It must have been mortifying for the person to see this sign when they got to baggage claim and know their relationship was over.
This guy has racked up a long list of cheating infractions from prostitutes to pregnancy scares. We think he deserved the punishment he got because this is a ridiculous amount of cheating. It seems like this guy has a problem that needs professional help.
Nothing To See Here
When you already sent the stroller to be checked with your other bags, so you have to improvise a stroller with your suitcase. It's a pretty savvy way to get your children from point A to point B without dealing with the stroller, but this only works for certain ages that can hold onto the suitcase.
This clearly wouldn't work if it were a baby because they would fall right off the suitcase, and then people would have plenty to say about your parenting style. You just have to look back every once in a while to make sure the child is still holding on.
Call Me, Baby
In some cases, soldiers are deployed before their wives give birth. This baby never met her dad until he came home, and this is how she greeted him at the airport. Imagine meeting your child for the first time at the airport.
It would be even crazier if the person getting off the plane didn't know they had a child, and this is how they found out. That would be an interesting interaction to watch while you wait for your bag to come around.
When You Stop Caring What People Think
At some point, you just stop caring what people think cause you would rather be comfortable. Some people at the airport are too tired from traveling to care what everyone around them thinks. This woman found a comfortable spot and made the most of it.
The way her head is positioned looks like she is going to have an awful neckache when she wakes up but at least she will be well-rested, we hope.
That's One Way To Write Brother-In-Law
It seems like this guy has some beef with his brother-in-law if this is how he addresses him. He must be playing the overprotective brother, ready to mess up his sister's baby daddy if he does anything wrong.
His brother-in-law might want to invest in a cab instead because it could be an awkward ride home. Maybe he will pretend he doesn't know the man holding the sign and get away from him in the crowd.
I Am Your Father
That is one way to embarrass your daughter at the airport. This dad dressed up as Darth Vader to greet his daughter, and she must have been so confused to see him waiting by baggage claim in the costume.
Maybe Rebecca is a big Star Wars fan, and she was so happy to see how much effort her dad went through to surprise her. That's unlikely for a teenage girl, but at least her dad is trying to make her laugh.
Double Checking
The job of a TSA agent is to check people who seem suspicious and make sure nothing bad gets through security. It looks like these two are taking advantage of their job with this woman who is dressed in a revealing outfit.
They must be gunning for employees of the month for excellent security by checking every woman twice even if she doesn't look suspicious. We would be so uncomfortable if this happened because it is inappropriate, but you can't really argue.
"Sorry Mom... I Mean Dad"
It's always hard to think of the right thing to say when you welcome someone at the airport, especially when they have gone under the knife to change their gender. Going through such a drastic change in life is hard enough as it is.
This person made a mistake when they wrote their sign and didn't think to scrap it completely. The adjustment period is something everyone has to get used to, but as long as they accept the person, everything will smooth over.
Since When Did Snape Take A Job At The Airport
While Hogwarts students were on their summer vacation, Snape took up a job as an American Airlines representative. He must have been the most interesting person to interact with because he thinks it's bizarre that muggles can't apparate to their destinations.
When an influencer would come to the desk to see if they could upgrade because they have over a million followers, he would say, "Tut, tut. Fame clearly isn't everything."
Never Leave The Kids Alone With Dad
When dad is left alone with the kids for a week, this is probably what she will return to. They ran out of underwear, and the house is probably a mess with dirty laundry, dishes, and toys thrown everywhere.
Just when she thought her husband had everything under control, he proved she was right to worry. We hope it is only a joke for her sake, or else she will never be able to go away without her family again.
How Top Embarrass Your Wife
It seems like everyone at the airport is out to embarrass the person they are picking up. This guy made a sign for his wife, but people at the gate probably think he is some kind of creep. His wife was probably bright red when she had to walk over to him.
This man clearly appreciates his wife's good looks, and he is not afraid to be goofy to keep things exciting in their marriage. It would be funny if someone thought the sign was for them and mistakenly walked over to him.
When You Can't Eat Anything At The Airport
When you're waiting around at the airport and your flight has been delayed between connections, there isn't always something to eat close to your gate. This guy couldn't find anything to munch on besides a bag of frozen vegetables, apparently.
At least his mother would be proud that he is eating his vegetables. However, if he couldn't find other food, how did he get his hands on a bag of frozen veggies? It seems weird to think the airport would sell frozen food without a place to heat it up.
Beastie Boys Getting A Hold Of The Gate Display
This flight to Washington looks like it is going to be a good time, especially with a departure party inspired by the Beastie Boys. We didn't even know this was a thing until someone made this sign.
Whoever set this up must have been in an excellent mood when they went to work that day and wanted to make the passengers excited for their flight. It's better to have happy passengers rather than grumpy ones.
Should We Be Concerned
Many traveling businesspeople used to get their shoes shined back in the day when people would wear suits on planes. However, these futuristic businesspeople concern us a bit, and we are wondering if we should be worried about a robot takeover.
It's the small pleasures in life that make traveling more enjoyable, and this airport gets major points for having this station. These women probably didn't know what to do when two robots showed up to have their feet shined.
Happy To Have Her Home
That's one way to greet your significant other when she arrived home after a trip. After a long flight, all he could say was, "Oh great, you somehow survived." That must have put a damper on their reunion.
He must have had some serious doubts that she would make it back alive, but she proved him wrong. Whether or not he is happy about it is a mystery, but thankfully she is safe and back on the ground.
Full Body Scans
The full-body scans at the airport are getting a bit intense and out of hand. The last time we flew, all you had to do was stand in a machine, and now it looks like this person is getting an MRI from the baggage scanner.
Perhaps something got stuck in the baggage scanner, and this TSA agent was the unlucky one who had to dive in to get the thing out. They probably drew straws to see who would be stuffed into the machine. Hopefully, he can get out safely.
Subtle Hints
We would hate to be Sarah right about now. When she got back from her trip, someone was waiting at the gate with this sign, and she could not have been more embarrassed. People probably started to think about how many times they saw her get up to go to the bathroom.
In case anyone at the airport was wondering how she was feeling, now they know. Sarah should probably use the sign to cover her face so she can hide from the embarrassment of everyone staring at her.
Never Lose Your Luggage Again
This man must have lost his luggage one too many times because someone finally got him a carry-on with his face on it so that he could never lose it again. While it might not be the best picture of him, at least everyone knows who the suitcase belongs to.
This man is rocking socks with sandals, so we doubt that he cares about what his suitcase has on it. He is probably glad that no one will ever want to steal his suitcase again.
He Was Asking For It
When you fall asleep with your children around, you have to expect something to be stuck to you when you wake up. This is just one of the many reasons you have to be careful about falling asleep at the airport.
Apparently, there are some things worse than getting robbed. It's always important to stay alert when children are around or you are in a strange place because you never know what could happen while you are dozing off.
Please Have An Emergency Somewhere Else
When you need to use the emergency phone, but it instructs you to have an emergency elsewhere because that phone is out of service. That is not going to be useful when someone can't control the situation.
It's not like people pick and choose when they have emergencies. Some things just happen, and the airport should fix this as soon as possible before someone "accidentally" has an emergency in front of it.
Airport Outfits
We always hear from our parents and grandparents that flying used to be an occasion, that people would put on a dress or a suit and tie to fly across the country. Nowadays, in a sea of neck pillows, hoodies, and yoga pants, even a basic outfit can stand out. Depending on where you are, it can become a rare occurrence to see a collared shirt unless it's the pilot.

So if you're walking along with your coffee and danish looking for your departure gate when someone like Lady Gaga shows up in 8-inch platform boots, a glittery bodysuit made of Swarovski crystals, and platinum blonde dreadlocks, people notice.